Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sex and the City

The setting of Sex and the City is not just a place where Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of her girlfriends live in, it is a part of them. They have revolved their lives in it such as that the city is valued more. In Sex and the City, the place "gives meaning"(Barker 403) to the characters, to their setting, and to their emotions. As seen in the clip, an empty room suggests someone dear to Carrie is gone. A falling leaf in the sidewalk of New York symbolizes a new season has begun, that changes are going to happen. Even Carrie says "Seasons change, and so do cities. People come in to your life and people go. But it is comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart".

The setting hugely affects the scenes or the actions of the characters. Carrie's emotions are in sync with the changes in the city. It is given that "the ‘reality’ of the city as a thing or form, they are the result of a cultural act of classification” (403). The scene of Carrie walking down the streets of New York expresses authority or power. Such as NY is seen as a big city, Carrie is seen as an important character or someone who is dominant. Carrie associates herself with the city. She adapts to it and turns it into something of her own. Carrie living in NY represents her own culture, own decisions, own path of life.